How get nude skins for sims 3

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The old crusty (lol) Get Naked Mod (above) working with Ambitions. Although the GetNaked Mod will work for Ambitions. Remember though, I made these back in Nov 2009, so they’re pre-ambitions, and they are unfinished mods. I must have done more, because I was on version 3 of the pregnancy control mod which I had big plans for at the time and was working on at the same time. I can only find version one of the GetNaked mod on my drive (I remember doing further versions but God knows what happened to them). Some people managed to download it from Sexysim3 before that closed down, but not many. Sexysims2 never published the “get naked” mod I still don’t know why. I posted one of the example mods “Get Naked” (which was a script mod I wrote as a trial to basically allow the player to strip any sim any where at any time) onto Sexysims2, and the other one “ Pregnancy Control” was still awaiting moderation it would never get at modthesims2. These were two simple mods that I’d used just as examples to myself and for others to see how non-core scripting was done in Sims 3, along with my tutorial on the subject that was posted on Sexysims3 around Oct/Nov, I think, of 2009. Prior to making my non-core Abortion Clinic mod back in 2009, I created two mods to test out my non-core scripting.

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